Cavalcade Of America

Below are some episodes that are missing from the large collection already uploaded. Those episodes can be found HERE Audio Files Sourced: Free OTR Shows
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Henry Clay of Kentucky | 25:28 |
Abraham Lincoln - The War Years | 26:12 |
Edgar Allen Poe | 29:20 |
They Died with Their Boots on | 30:04 |
Valley Forge | 29:43 |
Feast From the Harvest | 23:05 |
A Child Is Born | 30:09 |
Between Them Both | 33:46 |
Diary of a Pig Boat | 30:26 |
Burma Surgeon | 30:17 |
Take Her Down | 26:36 |
Venture in a Silk Hat | 31:10 |
The Doctor with Hope in His Hands | 30:55 |
Storm | 30:14 |
The Petticoat Jury | 29:28 |
The Voice of the Wizard | 28:31 |
Abigail Opens the White House | 28:32 |
Mr Pullman's Palace Car | 28:33 |
The Man Who Stepped Aside | 29:28 |
Footlights on the Frontier | 29:17 |
Reveille | 22:37 |
The Marine Who Was 200 Years Old | 26:25 |
A Time to Grow | 29:10 |
Probably a misdated show

The episode given as 1941-02-12 0213 - Cavalcade of America - Abraham Lincoln - The War Years.mp3 is the same episode/file (with a five second difference in length) as that previously uploaded as 40-02-13 CavalcadeOfAmerica 174 AbeLincolnTheWarYears.mp3. Because there are no end credits or preview of next week's story, it can not conclusively be dated, but because there is no acknowledgment that the story was previously presented on the show, the date of 40-02-13 is probably correct.