810123 Nightfall-(Ep030)-DarkSideOfTheMind

A singular episode of Nightfall" that should make the complete series available here. Other episodes seem to have errors in their episode numbering... I got my listing from a variety of sources in agreement.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
810123_Nightfall-(Ep030)-Dark Side of the Mind | 29:57 |
Drinking and driving ain't so bad

I find it interesting how the woman says that the husband should have had more children with his wife to replace the one she killed while driving drunk. The whole time he is seen as the evil one even before they know what is really happening and the woman who drove her daughter while intoxicated is the victim. She doesn't get any jail time and then the husband snaps and kills her because Justice was never served. It's interesting how often women can do something cruel and yet be seen as the victim. In the story lamb to the slaughter a woman beats her husband to death with the frozen leg of lamb and yet the story is written so we sympathize with her and not the murdered husband.
Delicious Stuff!

C. J. Berry263
Thanks for uploading. You feel so bad for the doofus, clueless dentist, especially at the end, with the mingling of weeping and maniacal laughter.
Very good

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