Adventures of Horatio Hornblower

Gregory Peck and Virginia Mayo recreated their roles on a one-hour Lux Radio Theater program broadcast on January 21, 1952. Audio Files Sourced: Adventures of Horatio Hornblower - Free OTR Shows
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.

was glad to find stories of hornblower a series of books that take me back to those teenage years. To any one wondering they are well worth the listening as the books are to read. Thank you for the effort it took to bring these and other fine shows to us who are tired of the (quality programing on TV LOL} jackrabbit1205
Incorrect episodes

This is a good series and I enjoyed it even with some of the poor audio. However it has a couple of episodes that are not correct. Episodes 1, 2, 7 & 8 are from the 1979/80 20 part BBC adaptation by Val Gilgood starring Nigel Anthony. The correct episodes are available on this site under the title Horatio_Hornblower.
Equipment failure?

Noah 8-?
How can I evaluate Horatio Hornblower OTR when the tx rate is 38kbs/sec? 's been like this for better'n a week now. You guys there got some major malfunctions, maybe. Normally at this time of the morn, the tx rate has been 1.1 - 1.3 Gig/sec..... but less than a meg/sec ? ? ? What gives?

A LibriVox Listener
The recording by Robert Redgrave were the best I've listened to all year. This is my favorite audio book. There were some other recordings in the middle that were poor quality and seemed to be out of order. I'd listen to it again of someone worked that out and only posted the one's by Redgrave together.
Loved these stories

Was really glad to find these. I really enjoyed these tales of adventure. I enjoy all these old radio shows. Thanks for bringing them to us. Lend a ear for a enjoyable time.
catch the newer BBC episodes

the newer episodes (1,2,7 and 8) are fantastic. 5 STARS all the rest are probably good but the audio is too poor to understand (for me anyway)
To many Hornblowers

The stories are are interesting. I wish I could listen to all of them, but I find the musical segues unbearable. They are to frequent and shrilling.
Splendid Stories

I have enjoyed the stories, but I prefer the ones not made by Redgrave. the sound qulaity is better and the music less intense.