Adventures of Topper 03 Eps

(03 Episodes) "The Adventures of Topper" Broadcast on the NBC network (WEAF, New York), "The Adventures of Topper" is a wonderful radio situation comedy regarding an old codger who is (pleasently) haunted by the ghost of a beautiful, rich, philandering, young woman (Marion Kirby) & her equally ghostly male companion/husband George. In the 1945-07-19 episode, Topper clearly describes storyline plot to his sweet wife, Malveena - and she immediately calls a shrink! Roland Young assumed the role of Cosmo Topper, Hope Emerson that of Marion Kirby, and Tony Barrett carried the role of her husband, George Kirby. Sponsored by Post Toasties and Maxwell House Coffee, "The Adventures of Topper" was created by Thorne Smith, written by Stanley Wolf, and produced & directed by Kirby Hawkes. Richard Kollmar was program announcer. At a much later date, this comedic radio program successfully graduated to television. A hilarious program which had Topper's housekeeper continuously raising her arms in "fear" of the 'ghostly' Kirbys! ** There are many "The Adventures of Topper" episodes available online, but I have discovered they are primarily alternate titles of the 3 Eps within this file. I will continue my ongoing OTR "web-hunt," for further episodes of this great program! OTR * def gp ddh
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.

R Waldrop
I wish there were more episodes; listening to this show was great fun!

A LibriVox Listener
Love Topper! I wish there were more episodes.
Love Topper

Brings back so many memories. Always have enjoyed Old Time Radio. Would love to have more episodes added
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Priyanshu Shrivastava