Archie Andrews

Thanks go to nightkey in helping me get these Archie Andrews files straightened out...
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Frustratingly bad

Now, I've only gotten through about five or six episodes so far, but this show is a guaranteed headache. All of them have centered on Mr. Andrews, who is an imbecile. His schtick is that he is slow to react to the joke. He'll get out a couple of words and do a spit take - "W-whaaaat!?" The live studio audience is conspicuous for the lack of laughter, mainly because the only joke is the one I mentioned above. Someone says something ridiculous and Mr. Andrews just sputters his disbelief. I just finished "The Big Ball Game," where the primary joke is that Mr. Andrews wants to hear the baseball game on the radio but every time he sits down he remembers something he's forgotten in another room. Then, when he leaves for thirty seconds, Mrs. Andrews shuts the radio off because there's no one listening to it. This happens about five times. Then he explains that he had only stepped away for a second and they continue to argue about how much of a waste of electricity it is. This show seems almost entirely unrelated to the Archie comics, which were centered on the kids. It's interesting for its association with the classic Archie franchise, but that novelty wears off within five minutes of each episode. Mr. Andrews: I could really go for a cool glass of lemonade... Mrs. Andrews: We're all out of lemons. Mr. Andrews: Yes, sir, a cool glass of--- w-w-whaaaat? No lemons!? Baseball announcer: The umpire has just called the game on account of rain! Mr. Andrews: Yes, I always like that umpire, he-- w-w-whaaaat!? Called the game on account of rain!? This is what Vic & Sade would sound like without the jokes.

ArchieAndrews-ukukuk HelpingDadAtTheOffice should be from 1953... Further proof could be in the moment when Jughead makes a reference to the Shane movie premiere in it ("Who did you expect...SHANE???")... If this is right...the earliest date that could be pinned to it would be 530425...but definitely between that date and 530905 (the series finale)... I believe that the Restaurant episode could be a promo in search of a sponsor from (possibly September) 1949 as the show mentions the summer replacement of the Great Gildersleeve and that was the summer of 49... The Kraft shows were a replacement for The Great Gildersleeve in the summer of 1949...
Archie Andrews sponsors

I used to own several episodes of Archie Andrews on audio cassette. Some of them had the original Kraft commercials for some type of instant ice cream mix, I think called "Frizz", along with Kraft caramels. I am having trouble locating these particular broadcasts now. Can anyone please help me? I know that Swift and Company was the sponsor for many of the episodes, but I distinctly remember hearing the Kraft ads, too. Always a fun show and a delight for me as a fan of the Archie comics for many years.
Archie Andrews Is Great

I love listening to these old classics from the past. I don't know how many episodes were produced but I'm sure I've listened to all of them.