Avalon Time 44 Eps (& 15 Red Skelton Radio Show Eps = 59)

(44 Episodes 'Avalon Time' plus 15 'Red Skelton Radio Show' Eps = 59 Episodes) 'Avalon Time,' Avalon Cigarettes sponsored, was Red (for his hair colour) Skelton's first paid gig. OTR * def gp ddh
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Something new for me.

The Bridge
The first time I found out that there was someone on this planet with the name of Red Skelton, was in the early 1940's. I quickly became a lifetime fan of Mister Skelton, and enjoyed him in every radio show, movie, and television show that I had the good fortune to listen to and see. This collection is a true find for me, I had no knowledge of where or when Red started in radio, now I do. I am truly surprised that this is going to be the first review here, especially after over TWO THOUSAND downloads, another case - I guess, of ooooooooo have to get this. I wonder if all the over TWO THOUSAND downloaders took the time to listen to Red's performances, I sure hope so. ENJOY, and THANKS to the person/persons who put this collection together. I use the name The Bridge because, I was there for Radio, Television, Satellite, and Computers, but Red Skelton has bridges many types of media, and I am glad for that.
Attn: The Bridge re: Something new for me.

You truly have 'BRIDGED' the entertainment spectrum and are most welcome, as I too very much enjoy this amazing man's talents. I hunted down for a fair period of time (the eps were very well hidden and in many different places!), to put these episodes together, at a period in my life when "Red's" humour was most needed and appreciated. Your review gives me a very warm feeling in my heart to know that the eps have warmed yours as well. It sounds as though you are filling your life, with a wide range of wonderful entertainment. Here's to another 25 years of the same for you! PS if you should key my web name (def gp ddh)into SEARCH,you will discover many, many more enjoyable programs from Red's era, plus. Hugs! and thank you for the great review ....def gp ddh
all the family

I grew up within a 100 miles of Reds home. Hearing him makes me young again. He had fun doing it and the whole family can listen. Like I did with my mom & dad.

A favorite of mine growing up. These are time capsules of one of Americas greatest, hearted-hearted entertainer! 5-stars, wouldn't let me give 5-stars stars, though.......

One of the best! Listened to it for hrs.