Billy Jones - Ernie Hare

Radio Programs
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
jonesandhare | 15:35 |
SOCKS...SOCKS...and maybe songs

RadioGOLDINdex dates this show as March 22, 1938, and there's a good chance it was an audition for a new network series that never made it to the air. Once you get past the interminable "SOCKS...SOCKS...", Jones and Hare (as the first performers who were paid for performing on the radio, true American broadcast pioneers) give us a nice light quarter hour of selections from the hit parade, although sadly none of the novelty tunes that were their bread and butter in their prime years. This was the tail end of their careers, as Hare passed away in the spring of 1939, followed by Jones in 1940. A real shame because they sound like they still had a lot of "go" in them. I would've given this a higher star rating, except, y'know...SOCKS...SOCKS...