Bobby Benson & The B Bar B Riders 19 Eps

(19 Episodes) "Bobby Benson & The B Bar B Riders" The 30 minute childrens' western program "Bobby Benson & The B Bar B Riders," starring Clive Rice as Bobby 1951-1955 on MBS, was heard weekly (1949-1955) on WKIC Radio - 5:30 pm monday thru friday, as well as on Monday at 8pm, Saturday at 5pm & Sunday at 3pm. This popular kids' program (which gave a 20-something year old Don Knotts his comedic role as the voice of old geezer, Windy Wales) outlasted nearly all other childrens' adventure dramas, including Superman, Captain Midnight, Straight Arrow, Sky King & Green Hornet. SOURCE: ** Oh, for the days when our children used their imagination for entertainment! Those days are not gone as long as these programs outlast defunct video games and TV Programs!! OTR * def gp ddh
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Good Show But Not That Long-Lasting

This is a great show for the young ones. But where it says it "outlasted nearly all other children's adventure dramas" that only means it was still on the air as late as 1955. Even though the show appeared in two different incarnations (like Chandu the Magician and I Love a Mystery). One verson was in the 1930s and it lasted four years. The second version ran from 1949 to 1955 (six years) which gives Bobby a total of 9 years on the air. Superman ran for 16 before moving on to television. (The Green Hornet ran from 1936 to 1950---14 years. And returned for one season in 1952...which gives it a total of 15 years on the air). So, while Bobby didn't last all that long and never moved on to movie serials and television as did many of its competitors it IS WORTH downloading for the kids. Should have mentioned if the kid in the photo looks familoiar that's because he is Billy halop---better known NOW for his time with the Dead end Kids. Unfortunately none of the episodes in which he played Bobby have survived.
Clive Rice as Bobby Benson 1951 - 1955

I've uploaded a pdf containing information about the actor [Clive Rice aka Clive Campbell] who played Bobby Benson on The Mutual Broadcasting System and on WOR Television in New York during that period. There is an image of him [as Bobby Benson], as well as one with Don Knotts. It contains a link to a lengthy article about him as well as his obituary. Clive Campbell passed away in 2016. You will find an article about his appearance at my elementary school, PS 249, THE CATON SCHOOL, Brooklyn, New York, while I was a student there.

As Cowboy shows go back in the middle 40s an 50s. This one is ok. Its a kid show, but back then it was big. Some times corny, but good. An I hope they find more. How did I know about this one my Dad told me to look it up. Because he loved it as a kid.