Bold Venture 57 episodes

Bold Venture is the radio adventure series starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall that originally aired in 1951-52. Bogart plays hotel and boat owner Slate Shannon, and Bacall plays his ward, Sailor Duval. The two often became entangled in tight situations when hiring their services to shady characters. These episodes sound clean, clear and full, thanks to the folks at The episode titles follow the work done by Digital Deli Too Note that the dates are approximate. As Bold Venture was syndicated, it played on different nights and began its run in different months on various stations across the U.S.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Very Enjoyable!

I'm glad Bogie finally agreed to do a radio show. He and Bacall were definitely a great team and it comes through in this show. I find myself at fault for finding some of the plots predictable, but at the time I assume they were more fresh than they would be today. Bogie's Slate Shannon is one tough SoB who only gets knocked out when its convenient for the plot. Bacall's Sailor Duvall is always ready with some quick wit or sarcastic slap of words. Definitely worth many hours of listening! Enjoy!

Jan Van
What a great series with Bogart and Bacall. Great characters. It is like taking their movies "To have and have Not" and combining it with the backdrop of "Key Largo". Bogey owns a boat and hotel in Havana and Bacall is his young ward...Hollywood was always making a big deal of their age difference and this series is really an homage to "Bogey and Baby". Great lines and repartee between the two. Thanks to the original uploader for this classic that everyone should download!
Yes, I enjoyed listing to the shows, but...

Bogie is not the best radio actor I have ever heard. The scripts are pretty good, the shows have a good pace, Humphrey sometimes seems to be just reading, going through the motions just to make a paycheck, especially in the first few episodes
A Great Show

They're all pretty much alike, and are all a lot of fun to listen to. B & B just fit together perfectly.
an excellent show

one of my favorite OTRs.