Calling All Cars

Audio Files Sourced Calling All Cars - Free OTR Shows
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Good quality, but dull.

Excellent sound quality on the 15-20 shows I've heard. But they are rather dull in content, IMHO. The shows are just a reenactment of cops investigating a crime and catching the crook. It is very predictable. There is no mystery, no "plot," no twists of fate, and very little adventure. You can usually tell "who done it" in the first 10 minutes, and the rest is the cops describing what they are doing to catch the crook. The cops are always dull and boring, and the crooks have a goofy accent. The saving grace is the acting, which is very good. There's better cops 'n robbers radio shows out there, but listen to a few of these too. You might like them anyway.
Thanks to whomever put this series up.

The Bridge
This is the only radio show to use an actual dispatcher for the Los Angeles Police Department. L.A.P.D. had a callsign at the time of KGPL, and they were using frequencies at or near 1700kcs (now kHz), as well as other frequencies. This Dispatcher's last name was Rosenquist, and in the 1960's I had the pleasure of talking with his wife, when I asked if she was HIS wife, she said yes. Having dispatched ambulances for a while, I truly enjoy the "plain talk" of the dispatches in this show.
True crime from 80-odd years ago.

James van Scoyoc
Especially interesting for those interested in a long vanished L.A., from the time before urban renewal--and even years before the razing of Old Chinatown
Karen s.

Wonderful series.
I enjoyed the series, but the sound quality was hard to listen to.