Captain Starr of Space

Audio Files Sourced: Free OTR Shows
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Citizens of Mars | 22:30 |
Carnumian Return | 23:11 |
Mericus Plague | 22:21 |
Ray Machine | 23:23 |
Very creative series

I have no idea how many episodes were made, or if four is all there is, but I have listened to each episode many times and find them to be very creative and well written. "Stripes", played by the series creator and co-writer Tom Hubbard, strikes me as someone who grew up entranced with sci-fi, and what better time than the 1950's?!? The great Tom Swift book series from the early 1900's was far ahead of its' time, and who knows, perhaps Tom Hubbard was named after him and was inspired by those highly imaginative stories. Mr. Hubbard's stories are equally imaginative IMO, and I dearly wish there were more Captain Starr episodes floating around out there somewhere. I can't imagine the show being cut after a mere four episodes. Maybe someday more will turn up....gathering dust in some mostly forgotten warehouse. That would be a happy day for me! I grew up in the 50's and consider it the greatest and the last truly decent and honorable decade in American history. I am beyond grateful for websites such as this that make it possible for a very nostalgic person like myself to quickly and easily escape the present and go back in time to those 'good old days' when radio was still king and our imaginations knew no limits!