Career of Alice Blair 03 Eps

(03 Episodes) "The Career of Alice Blair" was a short running, 15 minute, Monday thru Friday, radio soap opera which ran from 1939 through 1940. A transcribed syndication heard on WJSV Washington, WOR New York, as well as many other stations across America, "The Career of Alice Blair" was sponsored by a manufacturer of cold crème. Alice left her small town home to seek her career with handsome publisher Richard Newman. Alice’s life becomes filled with intrigue and scandal, none-the-less, she dedicates herself to paying off the family debt back home and to her devotion to her boss. In this continuing drama relating to a woman's ever-changing role in society, the title role of Alice was played by two young actors, Martha Scott and Betty Moran, in that order. * Source: 1) On the Air: The Encycl. of Old-Time Radio 2) Old Radio OTR * def gp ddh
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
COAB 1939-09-21 | 13:42 |
COAB 1947 #007 | 14:06 |
COAB 1947 #008 | 14:07 |