Curtain Time

Curtain Time Curtain Time had two separate runs on radio. The fist run was sponsored by General Mills from 1937 to 1939 and the second aired from 1945 to 1950, sponsored by the Mars Candy Co. Interesting is that this romantic drama had a theater setting and announcements with the announcer shouting "tickets please". Many of the episodes were romantic stories where a boy meets his dream girl and what happens afterwards. Announcer for the series was Harry Halcomb who was later known best for his appearances on the 60 minutes television show.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
60 Minutes reference

Matt Sweeney136
"Announcer for the series was Harry Halcomb who was later known best for his appearances on the 60 minutes television show." At first I thought you were confusing Harry Halcomb with Harry Reasoner, but a quick check with John Dunning's Encyclopedia of Old-Time Radio suggests that you actually meant Myron Wallace, who later changed his name to Mike Wallace.