Dad & Dave from Snake Gully (AUS) 23 Eps

(23 Episodes) "Dad & Dave from Snake Gully" is a 1937 Australian 11 Minute daily Radio Soap Opera. It is the story of a country family in the fictional town of Snake Gulley, Australia. It is relaxing to listen to the stories involved in the peaceful lives of these Snake Gulley family members & friends. * Favourite meeting place? Why, the local neighbourhood pub, of course. Enjoyable program! OTR * def gp ddh
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Dad & Dave from Snake Gully.

Dad & Dave is an iconic part of Australia's radio past and, argualbly the best known of all the programs from Aussie radio's "golden age". Although George Edwards was a prolific and well- known actor and producer, he is best known today for "Dad & Dave". As well as playing the key role of Dad, he also played most of the minor characters. To many, the 1930s radio series represented a pining by city-dwelling Australians for an imagined rural Australia, thus its great popularity. Others saw the program as being quite corny. However, it was still being brodcast regularly into the 1970s, and still turns up in radio nostalgia programs. The TV series "Snake Gully with Dave'n'Dave" ran for some months in 1972, but certainly did not achieve the greatness of the radio program. Nevertheless, just as the very popular Steele Rudd books led to the radio series, they were also the catalyst for a number of films released variously as "On Our Selection", "Dad & Dave On Our Selection" or On Our Selection - Dad & Dave". Films were released in 1920 (silent), 1932 and 1995. The 1932 film led to a series of sequals, all directed by the legendary Ken G. Hall and starring Bert Bailey. By playing the part of Dad, Bailey became as iconic in the film world as did George Edwards in radio circles. These films was still being shown in country cinemas in the 1960s. The 1920 film version was directed by Australia's best known film pioneer, Raymond Longford; it starred Ted Andrews. The 1995 remake was directed by George Whaley and starred Leo McKern. In a fascinating piece of casting opera star Dame Joan Sutherland was cast in the non-singing role of Mum.
Correction: Snake Gully on TV

Sorry to have to correct the able contributor below, but there was a television program - "Due to copyright restraints, the preferred title Dad ‘N’ Dave could not be used, and the name was altered to Snake Gully With Dad ‘N’ Dave."
To: 'ausieradio' Re: ''Dad & Dave from Snake Gully''

Thank you for your wonderful reveiw, ausieradio!' I found it quite difficult to find photos and info of this wonderful program, but will continue to watch for as well as for more episodes!
Aussie Archers

Reminds me a bit of the Archers, a long running British BBC series with similar themes. Very pleasant listening.