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This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Show Notes...

Dick Barton - Special Agent was a hugely popular radio programme on the BBC Light Programme produced and directed by such titans of British radio as Raymond Raikes, Neil Tuson and Charles Lefaux. Between 7 October 1946 to 30 March 1951 it aired at 6.45 (later 6.15) each weekday evening and at its peak it had a daily audience of over 20 million listeners. Despite popular belief, it was not actually the BBC's first daily serial, nor was it broadcast all year round. However, its spectacular popularity has led to it being much better remembered than any of its ancestors. The serial followed the adventures of ex-Commando Captain Richard Barton MC (Noel Johnson, later Duncan Carse and Gordon Davies) who, with his mates Jock Anderson (Alex McCrindle) and Snowy White (John Mann) solved all sorts of crimes, escaped from dangerous situations and saved the nation from disaster time and again. Beginning in 1948, the Hammer film company made three Dick Barton films and, long after the radio series had been replaced by The Archers, Southern Television made a television version in 1979. Dick Barton has also been adapted into a tongue-in-cheek stage play and a spoof radio comedy. Each version has featured the original's memorable signature tune, Devil's Galop by Charles Williams.