Dr. Christian 175 Eps

(175 Episodes) AWESOME! FAMILY PROGRAMING! "Dr. Christian" was broadcast by CBS every Sunday from Nov 07, 1938 thru January 06,1950. It was a soap opera, but not your every day soap opera. This soap opera played like a serial drama (as each episode was complete), but to keep listeners abreast of the 'goings-on', past activity was referred to within other episodes, as was/is done with all other soap operas. Dr. Christian was portrayed by Jean Hersholt; you may recall that Jean also played Shirley Temple's 'Alps-Dwelling' grandfather in the movie "Heidi." Dr. Christian, country Doctor in small town of 'Rivers-End,' gave sage advice, never talking down to those he doctored. It amazes me, whenever I listen to this program, because episodes appear to be current-day; it is hard to believe much of "Dr. Christian" was written over 70 years ago. Sponsor for the full 12-year run of "Dr. Christian," was Vaseline Products. I believe you will truly enjoy this enchanting program, not to mention the Vaseline Petroleum Jelly commercials included within each episode! The commercials are a treat in themselves! It is, quite frankly, an awesome old time radio show; please download and share!! OTR * def gp ddh
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Love me some Dr Christian

I have been enjoying this series on my way to work and coming from home. This is one of the few series that I truly want to hear what happens next and this is one of the most complete series I have found. So far there is only a few issues with some of the episodes being so low or has too much background noise to listen to. The one major issue I have run into is episode 56 titled Mr Holly from November 29, 1939. This episode is only 20 minutes long and when you get into the episode at the end and it is about to climax the episode ends. I have been searching for a complete episode for this but have been unsuccessful. Does anybody have the full episode available they can share? I really want to hear what happens at the end.
I was born at the wrong time in the wrong place

toby jug
Oh to have lived in USA in the 30's 40's and 50's with the variety of great and diverse radio broadcasts ......sadly the UK produced some but few and far between, and worse of all they rarely kept copies for us in the future to appreciate. I now sit back listen and imagine the era these were heard over the air......
Glad to Hear these Shows Again!

Charlie Heinz
I first recall these shows on the family farm many years ago. I'm listening now to what must be the first in the series. Sounds like a live studio string ensemble playing the theme and incidental music. Radio surely has better pictures than TV or the movies!
I have found a gem!

Love this so much! I’ve just listened to the first episode but I’ll be back for more.