Ed Wynn Show - 1932 OTR

Ed Wynn hosted a popular radio show for most of the 1930s, heard in North America on Tuesday nights, sponsored by Texaco gasoline. He was often seen wearing a fireman's helmet, as the "Texaco Fire Chief". During this time, Wynn was offered the part of The Wizard in MGM's adaptation of The Wizard of Oz, but he turned down the role. The part later went to Frank Morgan. Wynn founded his own short-lived radio network, the Amalgamated Broadcasting System, which lasted only five weeks in 1933. Wynn always worked "clean," making his shows suitable for the entire family. Audio Sourced: Ed Wynn Show - Old Time Radio
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Texaco Fire Chief Eddie Duchin-Graham Mac Namee | 30:12 |
Unknown | 29:05 |
The Prince Goes To School | 28:24 |
Trial By Jury | 26:44 |
When You Were 8 and I was 9 | 25:48 |
Tolstoys Redemption | 30:18 |
Dorothy Burnhan of Haddon Hall | 29:21 |
Poor House Behind The Hill | 29:01 |
When Hicking Ignorance is Blisters | 24:56 |
Home Sweet Home | 30:25 |
A Wife in Every Port | 30:06 |
Valuable Historic Value

Thank you for uploading these Ed Wynn Audio Files. Many younger users (2021) may recognize Ed Wynn from B&W TV shows from the 1950-70s such as Twilight Zone. He also had a very recongizable voice, however I was unaware of his early radio shows, so thanks for uploading. Note that actor Keenan Wynn was Ed Wynns son. Keenan was just as unique as his father and is easily recongnizable in 1950-70 TV and movies. The audio quality of these files is suprisingly good. Like most "live stage" recordings, the artists "yell" or "project" at a loud volumn. Some internet sources claim there were no saved recodingings of Ed Wynns "Texaco Radio Show". Not sure if this is the same program to which they are referring or if these shows were uncovered recently ?
Some background

Ed Wynn hosted a popular radio show for most of the 1930s, heard in North America on Tuesday nights, sponsored by Texaco gasoline. He was often seen wearing a fireman's helmet, as the "Texaco Fire Chief". During this time, Wynn was offered the part of The Wizard in MGM's adaptation of The Wizard of Oz, but he turned down the role. The part later went to Frank Morgan. Wynn founded his own short-lived radio network, the Amalgamated Broadcasting System, which lasted only five weeks in 1933. Wynn always worked "clean," making his shows suitable for the entire family. -taken in part from Wikipedia