Fibber McGee and Molly - 1940

(4.8 stars; 14 reviews)

Fibber McGee and Molly - 1940

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



1940 - Possibly the best year for Fibber & Molly

(5 stars)

1940 is quite possibly the best year for Fibber McGee & Molly. Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve, Abigail Uppington, The Old Timer, Horatio K. Boomer - I think these were the best neighbors who visited the McGees every week. This is Gildersleeve before being spun off to his own show and Uppy was one of the all-time great neighbors in any situation comedy (the wealthy widow with an interesting past of working in a laundry and as a circus bareback rider). I think the only great neighbor that hadn't shown up at this time was Wallace Wimple, played by Bill Thompson who was The Old Timer and Boomer, the W.C. Fields sound-alike con artist. Other future great neighbors would include Mayor LaTrivia and Dr. Gamble - but, IMHO, they didn't rank up there with Gildy and Uppy.

The best show of all I betcha'

(5 stars)

I can't get enough of these. They may be a little cornball, but good Irish homespun humor. Fibber needs Molly to keep his feet on the ground. A parade of neighbors pass through and create an atmosphere of a close knit community from an almost forgotton era. "But that ain't the way I heered it."

the best (well Jack Benny was pretty good too)

(5 stars)

i`m so glad to have found these.Sirius has a great Radio Classics channel too.i listen at work.

The Golden Era of The best radio show

(5 stars)

Just getting started here, but The jordans may be my favorite comedians. Ever. A must download from 1940-1952

Chronicles 1940 from a classic social "commentary"

(4.5 stars)

Mostly excellent recording quality. I also appreciate that this selection begins with 1939 to provide continuity and context.