Fibber McGee and Molly - 1940

Fibber McGee and Molly - 1940
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
1940 - Possibly the best year for Fibber & Molly

1940 is quite possibly the best year for Fibber McGee & Molly. Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve, Abigail Uppington, The Old Timer, Horatio K. Boomer - I think these were the best neighbors who visited the McGees every week. This is Gildersleeve before being spun off to his own show and Uppy was one of the all-time great neighbors in any situation comedy (the wealthy widow with an interesting past of working in a laundry and as a circus bareback rider). I think the only great neighbor that hadn't shown up at this time was Wallace Wimple, played by Bill Thompson who was The Old Timer and Boomer, the W.C. Fields sound-alike con artist. Other future great neighbors would include Mayor LaTrivia and Dr. Gamble - but, IMHO, they didn't rank up there with Gildy and Uppy.
The best show of all I betcha'

I can't get enough of these. They may be a little cornball, but good Irish homespun humor. Fibber needs Molly to keep his feet on the ground. A parade of neighbors pass through and create an atmosphere of a close knit community from an almost forgotton era. "But that ain't the way I heered it."
the best (well Jack Benny was pretty good too)

gus manheim
i`m so glad to have found these.Sirius has a great Radio Classics channel too.i listen at work.
The Golden Era of The best radio show

Just getting started here, but The jordans may be my favorite comedians. Ever. A must download from 1940-1952
Chronicles 1940 from a classic social "commentary"

Mostly excellent recording quality. I also appreciate that this selection begins with 1939 to provide continuity and context.