Fibber McGee and Molly April 5, 1949

Kramer's Cash Register
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
490405_Kramers_Cash_Register | 29:35 |
McGee Does It Again !

Jonnie King
Always funny throughout its run "Fibber McGee & Molly" never fails to get laughs...even in these later years of the show. Not as funny as some of the other Episodes, but well-worth a listen. Let's face it, cranking out new shows week-after-week during Radio's "Golden Age" was not an easy task...and some week's were better than others, due to the volume that the writer's had to produce. Think about this: During OTR's heyday, most Series - like "Fibber McGee & Molly" - ran a 39 Week Schedule...that's a lotta shows & scripts. Today a TV Series produces, maybe 22-24 shows a Season, and then re-runs 'em till the next year. As a rule, most OTR Radio Shows were not re-run, except for some Holiday Episodes. During the OTR Shows hiatus, another show would be added till the Main Show returned that Fall. That was the classy way of doing it...and could be learned by some of the Networks producing shows today. NOW, BACK TO "FIBBER"... Fibber always gets into it with Doc Gamble, and, many of the others who were written into that great ensemble cast of the well as he gets into some problems with Mr. Kramer, at his Drugstore. Of course, he then tries to help Kramer by fixing his seemingly-stuck cash register...and that's when the fun begins ! Enjoy !