Fred Allen Show

These are some episodes missing from the other large archive uploaded Here Audio Files Sourced: Fred Allen Show - Free OTR Shows
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Ken Murray

As another reviewer already observed the Texaco Star Theater was not ALWAYS hosted by Fred Allen. In the case of the Edgar Rice Burroughs (creator of Tarzan, and John Carter of Mars and the man who helped the town of Runnymede, California give itself a much-needed face-lift under the new name of Tarzana)it was really two shows in one. The first half is hosted by Ken Murray whose "home movies" were a staple of 1950's television. Frances Langford, who is also on hand in that part of the show was a well-known singer and "Blanche" of The Bickersons. Great show but no Fred Allen.
Fred Allen

All his shows are great efforts at writing and re-writing wonderful scripts but the networks and the ad agencies nearly ruined Allen's health. Fred usually had to pull an all-nighter, before the second rehearsal, correcting the agency/network blue penciled script. Why haven't these episodes have dates attached to them? And btw, nearly half of these posted shows, there is another half yet still not been released through to the public. Those shows still remain in the hallowed halls of the Boston Public Library donated by Fred's widow, Portland.
Mislabeled Show

1936-09-30_Xxxx_-_Fred_Allen_Show_the_-_Fred_Allen_with_Stoopnagle_and_Bud.mp3 was a summer replacement show and does not feature Fred Allen 39-10-18_0003_-_59m59s_-_Fred_Allen_Show_the_-_Guest_-_Edgar_Rice_Burroughs.mp3 is not a Fred Allen Show. Fred was not sponsored by Texaco until 40-10-02. Therefore, this show is The Texaco Star Theater (without Fred Allen).
These are good!

Thanks for posting these shows. They are among the best of Mister Allen!