G I. Journal-10 Episodes

Musical variety series that entertained soldiers abroad during wwll.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
G_I_ Journal-10 Episodes

allan feldberg
In reference to the ten shows that were generously uploaded: The regular cast evidently includes Mel Blanc (as Radcliffe, assistant to the guest editor of the episode, and also as Pvt. Sad Sack; in addition he uses the character voices of Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny, and Zukie [Zookie?], the latter being from The Mel Blanc Show, in Mel Blanc’s Fix-it Shop), and Connie Haines [Haynes?], and possibly Verna Felton [the voice is recognizable, if not the name]. For a lot more of Mel Blanc vocalizations, outside of Warner Bros. animations, listen to The Jack Benny Show. Hundreds of radio and a very few of TV at archive,org. The major guest, if said guest has a radio show, brought along some supporting characters. Therefore Bob Hope has Jerry Colonna, Fibber McGee and Molly included Dr. Gamble and Teeny [I missed Gale Gorden as Mayor Latrivia], Edger Bergen is never without Charlie McCarthy, and as was evidenced by part of the script, Orson Welles had himself [listen to the show]. I may have missed an item of importance, I did not check for spelling, I listed the guests and regulars pretty much in order of appearance in a show, and I did not recognize all those that appeared [e.g. Ransom Sherman, Ray McKinley]. GI_Journal_440429_Bob Hope, JERRY COLONNA, CAPT. GLEN MILLER ARMY AIR FORCE AT TRAINING COMMAND [3 numbers, including “Little Brown Jug”], RANSOM SHERMAN, BETTY GRABLE, MEL BLANC [SAD SACK], SGT RAY MCKINLEY & CREW CHIEFS. GI_Journal_441015_BERGAN & MCCARTHY, MAJ. HARRY SALTER & NEW YORK PORT OF EMBARQUATION ARMY BAND, HILDEGARD, ROY ROGERS, RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE, FRANK SINATRA, MEL BLANC [SAD SACK]. GI_Journal_441215_Orson Welles, MEL BLANC [RADCLIFFE], FAYE MCKENZIE, VICTOR MOORE, CONNIE HAINES, SARAH BERNARD[?], MEL BLANC [SAD SACK]. GI_Journal_441222_Bob Hope, MEL BLANC, LOUELLA PARSONS, CONNIE HAINES, DOROTHY LAMOUR, THE ANDREWS SISTERS [I THINK THERE WERE 2 NUMBERS, THE FIRST BEING “RUM & COCA-COLA”, A CLEAN VERSION; YOU MAY WANT TO READ LOUIS NIZER’S ‘MY LIFE IN COURT’, ABOUT MOREY AMSTERDAM, AND THE COPYRIGHT CASE , THE HISTORY OF THE CLEAN, BUT MILDLY SUGGESTIVE LYRICS, AND THE SOURCE WITH THE MORE THAN JUST SUGGESTIVE LYRICS], MEL BLANC [SAD SACK]: THIS PORTION, FROM MEL BLANC AS SAD SACK TO END IS MISSING, ABOUT FIVE MINUTES. GI_Journal_441229_Kay Kyser, Mel Blanc, JERRY COLONNA, ANN MILLER, CONNIE HAINES, GEORGIA CARROLL[?], MEL BLANC [SAD SACK]. GI_Journal_450112_Fibber McGee And Molly, FRANK SINATRA, 'DR. GAMBLE', MEL BLANC, 'TEENY', CONNIE HAINES, GINGER ROGERS, MEL BLANC [SAD SACK]. GI_Journal_450126_William Bendix, ARTHUR TREACHER, MEL BLANC, LENA LEMAYNE[?], JINX FALKENBERG, CONNIE HAINES. GI_Journal_450309_Groucho_Marx, LUCILLE BALL, JOHNNY WEISSMULLER, MEL TORME & MELTONES, VERNA FELTON, MEL BLANC [SAD SACK]. GI_Journal_450406_ROBERT BENCHLEY, MEL BLANC, LINDA DARNELLE, ALEN JENKINS, CONNIE HAINES, VERNA FELTON, MEL BLANC [SAD SACK]. GI_Journal_450423_Jack Benny, MEL BLANC [RADCLIFFE], ARTHUR TREACHER, THE KING SISTERS, EDDIE ANDERSON, CONNIE HAINES, PAULETTE GODDARD, DICK ARUN[?], MEL BLANC [SAD SACK]. Worthwhile downloading. Also see COMMAND PERFORMANCE, at archive,org.
Mislabeled Show

GI_Journal_441015_Ed_Sullivan__Milton_ was 441020 Edgar Bergen