Guest Star Radio

1940s-1950s public service program by the US Treasury Dept featuring "Guest Stars" to promite sales of savings bonds. Audio Files Sourced: Guest Star Radio - Free OTR Shows
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
I don't think Rosie meant it that way

The transcribed series Guest Star was a 15 minute filler made available to small independent stations. Each broacast featured a different star and a copy of prepared questions were issued so that the local announcer could carry on an interview as if the star was actually in the studio. The announcer would ask the question and then play a particular band on the record where the guest star would give an appropriate respone. On the Rosemary Clooney interview, the announcer asked if Rosie had any interesting hobbies. Through a mixup between the script and the record, or the announcer played the wrong band, the answer came out "Mel (Ferrer) and I plan to have several children." Ooops!!
"Guest Star" with Rosemary Clooney

There is No. 836 / March 31, 1963 / with Buzz Adlam Orchestra / Rosemary is interviewed by Lou Crosby, and she sings three songs " The Lady Is A Tramp" ; How Will I Remember You ; and "Some People". (On the other side it's Pat Boone's turn). If anyone here should know of any other "Guest Star" recordings with Rosemary Clooney, please give some details and info. Thanks.
Missing shows

The Internet Archive used to have a lot more broadcasts of Guest Star, especially the ones from the late 50s and early 60s with announcer Del Sharbett. Does anyone know what happened?
Great Gildersleeve episode

Mike Hobart
The Gildersleeve story is quite amusing but it fades out just before the 11 minute mark while Gildy and Birdie are still discussing bonds, so we don't get to the punchline.
Missing Shows

You can find the entirety of the shows at this website:
Rosemary Clooney

Which show features Rosemary Clooney? i can't figure it out...

Rory R
too many ads stop play. Temps is the worse