Jimmy Durante and Garry Moore Show

Audio Files Sourced: Jimmy Durante and Gary Moore Show - Free OTR Shows
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Sorry, the Lion Is Busy | 28:38 |
The Bond Rally | 27:39 |
Thanksgiving Pilgram Opera | 28:39 |
The (36) | 30:16 |
1960 04 09 Coney Island | 16:50 |
It's simple - It's Durante

If you like Durante, you'll like his old time radio shows; it's Durante being Durante. Garry Moore simply adds a regular partner for Durante to interact with, although he holds his own on the show, and didn't seem to change style or manner when he moved from radio to television. (At another time Alan Young, the Canadian actor who later became Wilbur on the television show Mr Ed, was a radio partner for Durante). Moore is something more than a second banana or straight man for Durante and they play off each other pretty well; Durante using Moore more as a partner than a foil. The shows themselves aren't anything special, in part because there are so few episodes in existance and it doesn't enable them to stand out among other variety shows. But, the shows as a whole are worth the listening to.
re: 1960 04 09 Coney Island

allan feldberg
I must be missing something, but what has this item got to do with the Durante-Moore Caravan and Rexall, respectively, sponsored shows. Additional items: Was it not Gary Moore who first had Carol Burnett as a regular, leading to her having the, of course, Carol Burnett Show? Either the sponsors or the Durante-Moore team were mighty tight with the dollars to produce the show, as witness the paucity of guests [of course I've heard only five examples, not including "1960 04 09 Coney Island". http://www.archive.org/download/Jimmy_Durante_And_Garry_Moore_Show/1946-11-22_0011_-_Jimmy_Durante_and_Garry_Moore_Show_the_-_Thanksgiving_Pilgram_Opera.mp3 has the "Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash" signoff, and so does http://www.archive.org/download/Jimmy_Durante_And_Garry_Moore_Show/1947-05-16_0036_-_Jimmy_Durante_and_Garry_Moore_Show_the_-_36_the.mp3, but the earlier Rexall sponsord show does not. Aside from the Coney Island clip, and low quality on an item, the rest, and as a group, still get 4-stars. There must be a reason for the odd episode numbering.