Lux Radio Theater 1952

Here are my 1952 episodes 1936 PAGE 1937 PAGE 1938 PAGE 1939 PAGE 1940 PAGE 1941 PAGE 1942 PAGE 1943 PAGE 1944 PAGE 1945 PAGE 1946 PAGE 1947 PAGE 1948 PAGE 1949 PAGE 1950 PAGE 1951 PAGE 1952 PAGE
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Lux presents Hollywood!

Thank you all these treasures of Lux Radio Theatre. I happen to have some of the later broadcast ie the naked jungle with Heston and even The war of the worlds eith Dana Andres and Pat Crowley in 1955. I even have an Austraian version of Lux Radio Theatre of Forbidden Planet. Just tell how I can get these proggrammes to you by contacting me by e-mail.