Mister President

Old Time Radio Programs, Mister President.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Mr.President 48-03-07 ep037 Warren G Harding | 29:32 |
Andrew Jackson | 29:22 |
Theodore Roosevelt | 29:12 |
Woodrow Wilson | 29:19 |
James K Polk | 29:17 |
Abraham Lincoln | 29:10 |
Andrew Jackson | 29:20 |
Andrew Johnson | 29:36 |
George Washington | 29:28 |
Thomas Jefferson | 29:36 |
Chester Allen Arthur | 29:21 |
Abraham Lincoln | 29:13 |
Advice And Consent | 29:13 |
The Loophole | 29:16 |
William Howard Taft | 27:38 |
Zachary Taylor | 29:04 |
Franklin Pierce | 28:39 |
Theodore Roosevelt | 29:43 |
Andrew Johnson | 29:54 |
James Monroe | 25:50 |
Andrew Jackson | 29:40 |
Zachary Taylor | 29:45 |
Theodore Roosevelt | 29:53 |
Mr.President xx-xx-xx epxxx US Grant Secretary of War Scandal | 26:45 |
mp | 29:31 |
Abraham Lincoln | 29:05 |
076SH - Andrew Jackson | 29:20 |
U S Grant | 29:18 |
pm | 29:32 |
Very educational program

The program on Woodrow Wilson was largely about how Wilson was willing to resign from office at one point. I had never read or heard about this, although, granted, I haven't read that much about Wilson's presidency. I contacted a group that keeps records of Wilson and found out that this was true. It's great that this show managed to bring out information about some of our more forgettable presidents and something positive about presidents who are usually thought of in negative terms. Edward Arnold is a pretty good actor, but, he doesn't try taking on any accents - George Washington sounds like Warren Harding who sounds like Abraham Lincoln. It might have been a good idea to have several actors portraying the President and, in those episodes, Edward Arnold could have played a secondary character.
Excellent "Mr. President" Scripts

Max Reiner
The scripts were well-crafted. I detected Bill (Gunsmoke) Conrad as the announcer on the show about President Wilson. It surely keep me guessing though which President. I've only heard three, and they had no commercials. The word in the biz is "sustaining." I recall hearing these shows at Noon on Sundays when I was a kid. The audio quality is excellent. Thanks so very much for posting! This show is a welcome relief from all the shoot-em-up detective and westerns, although I like them, too.