Mr & Mrs Blandings 11 Eps

(11 Episodes) "Mr & Mrs Blandings," was the NBC OTR sitcom, starring Cary Grant & Betsy Drake as Jim & Muriel Blandings, a spin-off from Cary Grant's hit movie "Mr. Blandings Build his Dream House." Robert Cummings & Jane Wyatt eventually did a pilot for the parts held by Cary Grant & Betsy Drake, as Grant asked to be released from his contract with the program. His reason for leaving? Rumour has it that his accountants told him he was paying "Uncle Sam" far too many tax dollars from his $3,000 wage; they suggested to him that he only had a "take-home" pay of $79.00. Hmmmmmmmmmm! OTR * def gp ddh
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Classic sit-com for grown-ups

Donald Motley
I've only just listened to the audition episode, but noone else has reviewed this show, and I'm so delighted at finding the most grown-up sit-com I've ever heard on OTR that I can't wait till after listening to more episodes before giving an enthusiastic recommendation. The story is a sequel to the movie in which the Blandings go through hell and high water to build their dream house in the country: they are now settled in, with kids, but of course their troubles are not over ... Cary Grant is, naturally, great as Blanding, as is Gail Gordon as the family lawyer. The writing is rather contrived at moments, but its cleverness abundantly makes up for that.
Wonderful sequel to the movie

This series is such fun to listen to. I really liked the movie, but I think I like these short episodes even better. All of the characters have such personality. Cary Grant is great of course as Mr. Blandings, and so is Betsy Drake this time as Mrs. Blandings. So glad these are available!