Murder At Midnight

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Great Quality!

Charlie Heinz
Great quality. The volume levels are even. The fidelity is good. No distortion. This is a job well done. Acting is superb. Scripts OK. I am just in the middle of "Nightmare" now. So well done. Wonder how it comes off. Whoever put this together should go over to The Whistler and The Saint even out the volume levels there, please. Thanks for sharing.
Murder At Midnight

Melodrama and scene chewing like many shows of that era. It is good for a representation of entertainment of by-gone days. Most of the shows are unintentionally funny.
Mislabeled shows

A few of these are mislabeled. "The Mark of Cain" is actually "Death Across the Board" and "The Black Curtain" is "Death's Worshiper."

Amusing, but very poorly writing and performances in comparison to comparable programming of the period.
Good classic mystery series!

Very well done, good n spooky mystery series from the 40s