Murder Clinic

(4.1 stars; 55 reviews)

Murder Clinic, the WOR-Mutual series which brought you each week one exciting case; one member from the special branch of the worldâs great detectives. Each week on Murder Clinic another detective story from another well-known mystery writer was adapted for broadcast. Fans of the so-called Golden Age of Detection should certainly sit up and take notice at the veritable cornucopia of delights that were heard during the year and a few months that the program was on the air. Every week another story by an author such as Edgar Wallace, Ngaio Marsh, Carter Dickson (John Dickson Carr), Agatha Christie, Margery Allingham, G. K. Chesterton, Jacques Futrelle, Stuart Palmer, and (as we discovered) on and on.

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



Only for true insomniacs. These are not good

(2 stars)

Sadly I cannot agree with the first reviewer and can only imagine that the sponsor had little money to produce good radio drama. What the first story has to do with detective tales will remain a mystery. The Max Carrados story holds up but is slightly spoiled by uneven recording levels. Pretty average acting throughout these stories which culminates in Poirot being butchered with totally ridiculous misuse of English by the detective and ninety seconds of the worst Scottish accent from a railway porter. Still, these are harmless and easy listening. It is just that there are far better examples of radio drama from all of these great writers.

I Wish We Had More

(4 stars)

This is a superior series. I guess it was a cost-saving idea to adapt previously published fiction instead of relying on staff writers to bash out 30+ episodes per season, but it means the quality of the mysteries is far higher than your average OTR. Also, a chance to hear some great character actors like Alfred Shirley in different roles. Very sad that so few episodes survive.

Old Time Radio

(5 stars)

Very enjoyable. Any sound disturbances or quality issues are only what you'd ordinarily find in old time radio and certainly didn't interfere with my ability to enjoy each short radio play.

(5 stars)

The mysteries were good fun. The air raid warning test in the middle of an episode provided a sad indicator of the daily perils of life in New York during WWII

You have to listen.

(5 stars)

These shows are just Excellent. Great writers and great actors. Listen to them all or just one at a time, they will enthrawl both young and old

So glad I got the chance to hear these radio shows!

(5 stars)

It's great that LibriVox has these recordings. Definitely worth listening to.

if you like detective stories...

(5 stars)

great stories