Music Depreciation (10-29-44-to 4-22-45)

Frank De Vol Orchestra, Les Paul Trio An OTR look into the world of music...
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
MD-441029TwoandOneHalfMinuteWaltz | 29:00 |
MD-441105BlackandBlueDanube | 29:22 |
MD-441112NightRide | 29:20 |
MD-441119Syncopation MinuetinG | 29:02 |
MD-441126LittleBoyBlue Schubert | 29:02 |
MD-441203StrikeuptheBand | 29:22 |
MD-441210TheContinental | 21:05 |
Song of India | 28:57 |
MD-441231BoriBori Pavanne | 29:27 |
MD-450107LaCucaracha | 29:18 |
The Volga Boatman | 29:35 |
MD-450121DeepNight | 29:31 |
MD-450204MexicanHatDance | 29:18 |
MD-450211Caravan | 29:03 |
MD-450218LullabyOfBroadway | 29:14 |
MD-450225TicoTico | 29:21 |
MD-450304LaCucaracha | 29:22 |
MD-450311GreatDay | 29:17 |
Donkey Serenade | 29:06 |
MD-450325BimBamBoom | 29:23 |
MD-450401ParisianMarket | 28:51 |
MD-450408TheresaSmallHotel | 29:04 |
MD-450422NationalEmblemMarch | 29:03 |
Music Depreciation - It's better than you think...

The first time I heard one of these programs, I was dissapointed in the audio quality BUT after running it through my graphic equalizer, there was a very marked improvement in most shows. Now the audio is very satisfying. The shows are light hearted and the big 31 piece orchestra definitely has that Hollywood sound. I've heard all the shows and plan to enjoy them again. These discs were definitely dubbed to tape a long time ago... It would be terrific to hear them from disc direct to digital...

I've heard one episode and I liked it. It was a cute format of straight performances of popular vocals and instrumentals (done by good performers), led in by silly introductions. It's too bad the show didn't last very long. I look forward to hearing the rest.
big band heaven.....

Frank De Vol is just great and it's amazing to hear some early Les Paul. Thanks for uploading this truly historic collection. *
Liltin' Martha Tilton

The file labeled Song of India is from 12/17/44, featuring Martha Tilton!