My Friend Irma

(4.1 stars; 4 reviews)

Old Time Radio Programs, My Friend Irma

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



My Friend Irma 47-04-11 ep001 Irma Meets Jane 28:44
My Friend Irma 47-04-18 ep002 Irma Gives Rent Money to Al 29:31
My Friend Irma 47-05-16 ep006 Jane and Irma LoseTheirJobs 28:56
My Friend Irma 47-06-13 ep010 The Fur Coat 28:20
My Friend Irma 47-07-07 ep013 Too Much Publicity 25:07
My Friend Irma 47-07-21 ep015 Piano Lessons For Junior 24:18
My Friend Irma 47-12-01 ep034 The Reward 58:56
My Friend Irma 47-12-08 ep035 The Eyes Have It 58:54
Track 1 29:28
Track 2 29:26
My Friend Irma 47-12-29 ep038 Gentlemen Prefer 28:56
My Friend Irma 48-01-05 ep039 The Great Irma 29:04
My Friend Irma 48-01-12 ep040 Lucky Couple Contest 22:38
My Friend Irma 48-01-19 ep041 The Book Crook 29:00
Track 1 29:27
Track 1 29:36
Track 2 29:21
Track 2 29:08
My Friend Irma 48-02-23 ep046 Its All Relative 30:06
My Friend Irma 48-03-01 ep047 Fortune Raised 29:38
My Friend Irma 48-03-08 ep048 Double Troubles 29:52
My Friend Irma 48-03-15 ep049 Buy or Sell 30:00
My Friend Irma 48-03-22 ep050 Election Connection 29:24
My Friend Irma 48-03-29 ep051 The Big Secret 30:04
My Friend Irma 48-04-05 ep052 Irmas Inheritance 30:07
Track 2 29:23
My Friend Irma 48-04-26 ep055 Manhatten Magazine 30:06
My Friend Irma 48-05-03 ep056 Acute Love Sickness 30:00
My Friend Irma 48-05-10 ep057 Bon Voyage 29:49
My Friend Irma 48-05-17 ep058 Irma Wants to Join Club 29:13
My Friend Irma 48-05-24 ep059 Aunt Harriet to Visit 29:58
My Friend Irma 48-06-14 ep062 Did Irma Buy Her Own Wedding Ring 21:19
My Friend Irma 48-06-21 ep063 Planning A Vacation 21:43
My Friend Irma 48-09-06 ep074 Trip to Coney Island 27:21
My Friend Irma 48-10-11 ep079 Rhinelander Charity Ball 20:52
My Friend Irma 48-10-18 ep080 Thanksgiving Dinner 30:16
My Friend Irma 48-12-20 ep089 Irmas Christmas Party 28:22
My Friend Irma 49-04-11 ep105 Piano Lessons 25:38
My Friend Irma 50-05-29 ep156 The Fifty Dollar Loan 24:22
My Friend Irma 52-01-06 ep216 Memoirs 30:08
My Friend Irma 52-01-13 ep217 Cub Scout Speech 29:16
My Friend Irma 52-01-20 ep218 The Burglar 30:32
My Friend Irma 52-01-27 ep219 Psycholo 25:47
My Friend Irma 52-02-03 ep220 Newspaper Column 29:25
My Friend Irma 52-02-10 ep221 Dictation System 30:52
My Friend Irma 52-02-17 ep222 Cathy Decides to Quit Her Job 30:22
My Friend Irma 52-02-24 ep223 Lost Friendship Ring 30:42
My Friend Irma 54-06-29 ep309 Irma And Jane See A Ghost 24:55


My Dear Sweet Scatterbrain

(4 stars)

One of the FEW programs 'specially featuring girls. Our Miss Brooks, My little Margie, Little Orphan Annie, Ann of the Airlines, My Favorite Husband,(Something) of the Mounties, KLondike & phone number.... not very many shows featuring feminine prominance. This was the single working girls' own show that demonstrated that girls out of high school could be comfortably single and make their own living without immorality nor perversion. Sort of the Ancestors of Laverine & Shirley only this particular pair are secretaries. Level headed steady-as-a-rock older-sisterly (is that a word?) Jane would open each episode recounting some tale of ordinary recent goings on that only her friend Irma Peterson could make so very extra-ordinary! Besides having a truly oblique point of view, Irma could mis-understand just about anything. A Heart of gold and always the best of intentions made Irma loveable and always forgivable. Irma's secretarial activities made herself indespensible because after re-arrangement, re-filing, and re-organizing.... no one, absolutely NO ONE could find anything needed to continue business without Irma's il-logic to recover necessary data. Punch Cards might be filed under IBM but only after Irma had consulted some resource or other on how to spell I-B-M. The audience had to muse that somewhere in the scheme of things Irma and Gracie were related - CLOSELY. Irma's misadventures were exacerbated by her perpetually unemployed 'boyfriend' Al who always called her "Chicken". He's the kind of at arm's length boyfriend that seems to maintain an engagement to Irma more at his convenience rather than out of genuine affection. No one in her right mind would put up with HIM and She always managed to escape disaster... They were MADE for each other. Now Al sounds a LOT like Gillis of 'Life of Riley' - possibly because the character is voiced by John Brown who actually DID voice Gillis AND Digger O'Dell (The Friend-ly Undertaker). An Extremly popular program with few (by percentage) surviving episodes considering that this program was offered on radio, movies (2), television, and even comic books. More.... more... Please more NICE entertainment. Being a blooded Marine Veteran of Viet Nam, I don't like a lot of what passes for entertainment these days. It's never been so much the age as it is the milage. An' even though My Friend Irma could be catagorized as Fluff an' Nonsense it IS Fun... and preferable to much of today's media. Join me and ENJOY My Friend Irma. Noah 8-?

dates / cast problems & duplicates

(4 stars)

A previous review said of the part of Jane Stacey: "Joan took over the role Sep 13, 1948." First, this implies it was a permanent change, and it was not. Cathy Lewis returned for the rest of the series - reportedly after an illness. There's conflicting information online about the start and length of the absence. The "first" (by date in title) episode in which Joan Banks appeared in this set is: "48-10-11_ep079_Rhinelander_Charity_Ball" Cathy Lewis was back in "50-05-29_ep156_The_Fifty_Dollar_Loan" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- repeats of (supposedly earlier by filename) other episodes: My_Friend_Irma_52-02-10_ep221_Dictation_System My_Friend_Irma_52-02-17_ep222_Cathy_Decides_to_Quit_Her_Job My_Friend_Irma_52-02-24_ep223_Lost_Friendship_Ring

Misdated show

(0 stars)

My_Friend_Irma_47-07-21_ep015_Piano_Lessons_For_Junior.mp3 was 481206 Irma Takes Piano Lessons. It features Joan Banks as Jane rather than Cathy Lewis. Joan took over the role Sep 13, 1948