Early Fibber McGee and Molly Shows

Here are some newly found early FM&M ahows.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
A Dip In The Ocean | 29:13 |
fm350923AnythingToGetOutOfScrubbingTheBackPorch | 29:37 |
fm370426PreparingToLeaveForHollywood | 28:05 |
fm370628HumanCanonball | 25:11 |
fm370705GettingOutOfTheHollywoodLease | 29:51 |

P. Nussbaum
Always love to hear early FM & M. I listen to the later shows as these characters (generally on the road) as settled down in Wistful Vista and having a high old time putting on the neighbors. Seems to me what some ex-vaudevillians would do. Thanks so much for unearthing these gems and, especially for sharing with us. OTR fans are the best, Nussbaum
I can listen to this all day!

Josie Meugniot