One Out Of Seven

Old Time Radio Programs, One Out Of Seven
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
A Chilling Snapshot of the fight for American Equality

This groundbreaking series starred Jack Webb. Devised as a radio docudrama, it selected actual news articles and quotations to argue the progressive agenda of racial equality. Listen to the Feb 6, 1946 show unmasking the now-forgotten Sen. Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi—one of America’s most despicable racists-to get just a hint of what civil rights workers were up against. This is actual American history, not the fantasies of Glenn Beck or other Fox Television pundits. Powerful stuff.
Senator Theodore Bilbo

Great work here. Bilbo, a Democrat, governor of Mississippi, later a U.S. Senator, made his name a synonym for white supremacy. Proud of being a racist, defended segregation, and was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
Bilbo episode

I taught a "discovery" course in Radio drama and used this episode as an example of impact radio. To dress-down a U.S. Senator in such a bold fashion was noteworthy.