500105 007 Designing a Bridge
27:47 |
500112 008 Sonja the Smart Dog
28:13 |
500119 lord deveridge and lady revere
28:01 |
500126 Hitchiking to Bartonsville
27:52 |
#11 The Room Clerk
28:19 |
500209 Maisie Has Law Trouble
28:01 |
#13 The Green Suit Bank Job
28:35 |
500223 Sales Contest
28:46 |
500309 The Manicurist
29:48 |
500316 MaisieisaFilmEditor
27:58 |
500323 MaisieConfessestoJewelRobbery
27:47 |
500330 SammythePetDuck
27:54 |
500406 MaisieWantstoBuyaNewCar
27:50 |
500413 TheCostume
27:53 |
500420 Safe Cracking
27:59 |
500427 Prof Elliott
27:58 |
500504 HazelTakesMaisiesPlace
28:04 |
500622 Gene Kelly Plays a Sailor on Leave
28:59 |
500629 Maisie is Stranded in India
29:04 |
500706 Anniversary for Maisie and Eddie
29:06 |
500713 In Hollywood to See Stars
27:09 |
500727 Two Speakers With Same Speech
29:25 |
500729 Maisies Lovelorn Advice Column
28:07 |
500803 The Ex-Convict
27:10 |
500810 Phony Screen Test
26:31 |
500817 The Money Manager
27:34 |
500824 The Orphanage
26:14 |
#37 Maisie's Birthday Present
27:49 |
500907 Theatrical Agent
29:10 |
500914 Eddie Sells Cemetary Plots
29:06 |
500921 Helping a Working Girl
29:34 |
500928 Maisie and Eddie Have Budget Problems
29:53 |
501005 Stolen Bracelet
29:38 |
#35 The Poetic Wrestler
28:30 |
501019 Masie Impersonates French Ballet Dancer
29:50 |
501026 Maisie the Model
29:23 |
501102 Eddie Sells Insurance
30:28 |
501109 Duke Johnson the Gambler
29:07 |
501116 Off to Rio
29:16 |
#41 The Birthday Gift
28:00 |
#42 The Census and the Crooks
27:54 |
#55 The Dude Ranch
28:10 |
#44 The Orphanage
27:55 |
501221 Mayfields vs the McCoys
30:08 |
501228 Maisie the Fortune Teller
30:03 |
510104 Newspaper Columnist
29:58 |
510111 Maisie in Las Vegas
29:51 |
510125 Eddie the Private Eye
30:13 |
510201 Manganese Gold Mine
30:44 |
510208 Hotel Social Director
30:46 |
Adventures of Mazie
25:29 |
510215 Universal Elixir
29:58 |
#56 Morton's Dreams
27:55 |
510315 Aunt Hattie
30:17 |
510322 The Spicy Novel
29:43 |
#59 Don't Be Stupid, Write Cupid
28:11 |
#60 Nick the Gambler
28:02 |
510412 Beatrice Butterfield Inc
29:42 |
#63 Maisie and the Prince
28:09 |
#64 The Social Director
28:09 |
#65 Quackenbush's Universal Elixar
28:06 |
#66 Councelor for the Brooklyn Bums
28:10 |
#67 Maisie and the Maharajah
28:16 |
#68 The Murderous Poet
28:07 |
#69 Engagement to Harry Adams
27:57 |
#70 The Spicy Novel
27:56 |
#75 The Efficiency Expert
28:02 |
#76 Running for Mayor
28:09 |