Band Remotes

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
True magic

Daniel Beller
Internet Archive takes its moto, "Universal access to human knowledge" to the greatest extent. I cannot think of any other website that shares these treasures of our time with sucg generosity. This extensive collection of Radio takes by some of jazz and popular greatest names is a chest full of gems, a time tunnel to some of music finest moments. Originally, these recordings were made on 16" acetates and shellacs, at 33 1/3, direct to disk, live, no effects, no editing. Just these fine artists, some radio engeneer and us, glued to the Chapel shaped radio. These fascinating rythms, emanating from the old Philco or RCA radios, rich in sound, with the warmth of the valve circuits. These fine man and woman, artists in the true meaning, Count and the Duke, Major Miller, Ella and Louis, Señor Ross, all in radio takes, live. This is one of IA's most fascinating collections. About the encoding: in my opinion, OTR gets well served by 24 0r 32k encoding. Originally, these takes were broadcasted on AM. 24K@22050hz recreates the warm sound of AM radio. 16k or 8K will sound pretty much like distant AM or SW. Personally I find very useful to use the Enhancer plugin for Winamp, latest version available from which makes wonders without making these takes sound artificial. This collection includes three video files - RedNicholsandHisWorldFamousPennies.mpg , RedNicholsAndHisFivePennies.mpg and RamblingRoundRadioRow.mpg. fine examples of 30's musical aesthetics, the latest includes a rare clip of Tito Guizar, well known to latin audiences for his intro to Carlos Gardel's "Canta y habla" EP. I am thankful to Mr. Bert Szoghy, that made this treasure of American Culture available to us. And of course, to the IA, that allows us, in remote places (myself being born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and living in Beer Sheva, Israel) to enjoy this with the greatest emotion. No words will rightfully describe this collection.
Gorgeous audio capturing

Great music, especially number 30 Bob Crosby and Eileen Barton where she sings Lullaby of Broadway. SO thankful for the archive and all of you who upload these very old time files.
Music in pure state

A great piece of history saved and served to everybody everywhere. Thank you very much!
Chet Baker

Warning: Lots of skips and bad dropouts/glitches in the Chet Baker recording.
Benny Goodman one night stand
