Chandu the Magician

Starring Gayne Whiteman, Margaret MacDonald, Bob Bixby and Betty Webb
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Finally,I find Chandu AGAIN!,

Richard Roosa
I was broadsided by Chandu one morning while driving to work back in 1981 (I think it was) and changed jobs so I no longer had the morning commute. I always remembered “Chandu, the Magician” and often would search my FM dial in vain. One morning a few weeks ago I happened to have “Old Time Radio” on XM in my car on the way home from grocery shopping. I FINALLY found Chandu AGAIN!! I got home, but instead of unloading my car, I sat & listened for another 20 minutes in some pretty nasty humidity. Big Deal, after 40+ years I was NOT going to miss the opportunity to be “hypnotized” by Chandu again! I just downloaded the available episodes & cannot wait to dive back into the 1940’s all over again. Thank you SO MUCH!!!
Duplicate/Missing show

"48-08-24_LETTER_ARRIVES.MP3" unfortunately appears to be a copy of the previous day's episode ("48-08-23_DOUGLAS_TELLS_ROXOR.MP3"). So far this is the only one I've found, though I've still got about 1/2 to 2/3 of the series to get through! (Fortunately, each episode starts with a brief narrative of previous events, so whatever we missed from the August 24, 1948 broadcast is made up quickly at the beginning of the August 25 episode.) Otherwise, sound quality is generally clean, the story is entertaining, and the advertisements for the (defunct as of the mid 1980's or so) sponsoring company is oddly amusing to listen to. You know what I say after listening to these for a while? Do you? I say, "I love White King Granulated Soap."
Things you should know

1. None of these episodes stars Gayne Whitman. Although he DID play Chandu once upon a time these are all recordingf from the later series (which virtually recreated all the earlier shows) with Tom Collins (of "I Love Adventure" fame (he plays Reggie York on that series) as Frank Chandler (aka Chandu). In the movie serial "Thed Return of Chandu" Bela Lugosi played this part, Which is kind of interesting. In the previous serial (which no longer exists--=at least no film has been found to date---he played "Roxor" which seems more his style, really. In the Ritz Brothers comedy version of "The Gorilla" Lugosi spoofs his Chandu role with hilarious results. Good radio series, though.
a note of thanks

The Granddaughter
Just a note of thanks to those who are uploading the Old Time Radio Shows. It has been a real treat for me to be able to download these for my Grandpa to listen to. So nostalgic for him. Thank you for bringing back so many memories and for the opportunity for him to share a bit of his childhood with me.
Just wondering

Does any One know the real order of these shows, I have seen so many #'s thet it aint funny, Most of them you can listen to and know what one comes next, but then you hit where a missing show is and your up in the air all over again wonder what show is next. My Wife and i both enjoy these show
Would like to help fix

ARossi or Bert Szoghy? I'm sorry I can't find a way here to contact the right person to help this collection. I have the missing "48-08-24 Letter Arrives" which another reviewer noticed was a duplicate of the previous episode making this one missing. It was on a reel I have made in 1971.
So fun to listen to

Lover of Lits and Art
I'd never heard of Chandu until I came to Archive .org. Now I'm hooked. I hope it isn't removed like THE Shadow series was. I appreciate the effort of the group that searched for and downloaded this wonderful series. BRAVO!!!

I remember hearing this on live radio when I was a kid. It convinced me magic is real. Musical background for this show was produced by Korla Pandit, famous fake Indian: