Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis

Shows with Fred MacMurray and Jack Webb
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Guest Fred Macmurray | 29:53 |
MartinLewis-JackWebb | 23:07 |
Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis

Are you in for a treat. These shows will keep you screaming with delight. Even if you don't remember these two guys when they were a team, you'll still be able to appreciate what they did. And if I'm not mistaken, there are almost another 100 shows available rigt here on Archive. Enjoy!!!! Folks,I just checked and find if you search, here at Archive for "Martin and Lewis", you will find all the M&L you would ever want.
Review of Martin & Lewis

The two programs were great, no doubt about it. The problem arise that there are instructions to visit a website to view more Martin & Lewis. This website address is bogus! don't copy and paste the link! you will be taken to various websites(different each time you type in the link) That try to sell you something!

You can find all of the Martin & Lewis shows on iTunes in PodCasts. Listening from beginning to end is like watching them both grow and hone their act(s). Hilariously funny and bittersweet, knowing what came after.
Full of laughs

This show like many of the shows was a hilarious riot. To download more Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis shows be sure to visit