Devil and Mr. O

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
710917 (01) Alley Cat (first show) | 28:51 |
710924 (02) Neanderthal.mp3 | 28:49 |
711001 (03) Revolt Of The Worm | 29:28 |
711008 (04) Where Are You.mp3 | 29:42 |
711015 (05) Mr. Freak.mp3 | 30:17 |
711022 (06) Gravestone.mp3 | 29:18 |
711029 (07) Ancestor.mp3 | 29:11 |
711105 (08) Nature Study.mp3 | 29:27 |
711112 (09) Big Mr. Little.mp3 | 28:20 |
711119 (10) No Escape.mp3 | 29:03 |
711126 (11) Vacation With Deat | 28:44 |
711203 (12) The Hole.mp3 | 25:55 |
711210 (13) Live Forever.mp3 | 28:04 |
711217 (14) Going Down.mp3 | 30:27 |
711224 (15) Balance Sheet.mp3 | 28:49 |
711231 (16) The House Is Haunt | 28:43 |
720107 (17) Offical Killer.mp3 | 28:52 |
720114 (18) The Hungry One.mp3 | 28:44 |
720121 (19) Three Thousand Dol | 25:27 |
720128 (20) The Chest.mp3 | 28:18 |
720204 (21) Paris Macabre.mp3 | 28:39 |
720211 (22) Rocket From Manhat | 28:26 |
720218 (23) Hollywood Visitor. | 28:30 |
720225 (24) Cemetary.mp3 | 29:17 |
720303 (25) Speed.mp3 | 28:23 |
720310 (26) Shrinking People ( | 28:20 |
Thanks for your support

Dear Klartog: I just saw your reply to Shadow Girl in defense of my inquiry about the problem of tring to use the stream format and browse at the same time. I admit to being somewhat of a greenhorn when it comes to using the Internet, but I certainly didn't think that my question rated the criticism of being a "whine" Obviously some people feel that they have the right to humiliate someone on line because they don't have the same knowledge. To Ms. Shadow Girl I would say, "I may not have your Internet technology but I certainly surpass you in the field of commen courtesy."
Classic Arch Obler plays

The Devil and Mr. O was a 1970's revival of radio drama. These plays originally saw the light of day on Lights Out, the classic late night horror radio program. Some of the plays have revised titles such as Alley Cat for Cat Wife, but have retained the suspense and appeal of the originals. The only problem is that if the stream format is used, you cannot switch to another website as it breaks the connection. You have to use the individual format, listed by title below the stream, in order to use the Windows format.
Streaming and Switching Web Sites

Front Row Kid whines that he can't stream the audio and browse to different web sites. Must be using some kind of Apple Crapple computer. Idf he had a PC he would know that all he would have to do is click "start" and open a second browser window and minimize this one where he's streaming the media from and he could browse AND stream to his heart's content. Great series btw but if you're going to download it get the OTRR Certified version also available here on the archive.
Just a note to Shadows Girl

Actually you CAN stream and browse just fine on a Mac. But more to the point, this is not the place to interject your misinformation and bias. Apparently you're just tickled pink to be using an unreliable, difficult to use OS that runs on hardware that breaks when you sneeze, but the rest of us just want to listen to some good OTR. Keep it to yourself if you have nothing helpful to offer.

I rank Arch Obler up there with Rod Serling and Ray Bradbury. The Revolt of the Worms was just that... revolting! It's impossible to resist the grotesque images the mind conjures up against the sound effects at the end. The acting is also brilliant. We are creeped out by the characters reaction to a horrific scene they are witnessing and relating to us (the audience). Great nightmarish tales best told around a campfire.
Mr. O Is Brilliant!

I love OTR, especially mystery and horror OTR, and this one is a top pick! These tales are not only spooky, but many are thought-provoking. "Mr. O" is like the Charles Dickens of OTR in that his plays are often about the oppressed taking down their oppressors. Great stuff to enjoy while leaning back in a dark room and the message sticks with you.
An interesting series

This was like Arch Orbler's version of the CBS Radio Mystery Theater, a very interesting program.
the revolt of the worms

I love Mr. O and the Devil