Gene Autry

Melody Ranch, Melody Roundup
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Thanks for this...

Just wanted to say thanks for these timeless pieces of radio history. Because of the fact that I was born in the late 1950's, I didn't start watching Gene Autry till the western channel began broadcasting his old TV Shows and movies. Gotta tell you, as a truck driver these recordings help to break up all of those lonely miles on the road. Thanks again. Randy W...
We Need His Voice Now

Letsby Avenue
After 30 years as a 'movie cowboy'... Gene said he never knew until he was in his 40s.... that "Saloon Girls" ~ in many of his pictures ~ were not there, historically, for just 'dancing' You've got to Love him. Always insisted he never "faught" on film with a shorter actor. Tried to embedd a "Code of Honour" for the youngsters that followed his movies. Led an action against his studio for better wages for him and his supporting actors..... which led to his studio inventing an alternative "Singing Cowboy".... Roy Rogers ! Whose movies helped pioneer 'Technicolour' Roy Rogers btw, was gay, Dale Evans, his "partner" was also gay.... that is not an abuse.... just an example of STUDIO MANIPULATION The studio even got them to have "adopted kids" to further the PR Spin. Gene was well away from that manipulation.... formed his own company, bought up his available film... and broke records with "Champion -the Wonder Horse" on TV. Roy Rogers lived with a taxidermy version of a dead "Trigger" which he charged tourists for photos. KARMA
gene sounds like he's on helium

In transferring the recording of Gene Autry's Melody Ranch program from the transcription disc to digital, you forgot to allow for the fact that the speed of the record. The transcription speed was 78 rpm and the digital speed was 10.4m.It sounds like Gene took a mouth of helium before he started to sing. Also, Charlie Lyon, the announcer on the show, didn't talk that high or that fast. It reminded me when I used to play a 45 rpm record on a 78 rpm phonograph. I'm surprised some ardent Autry fans haven't responded as yet.
Note about Transfer Speed problem

Only 14 of the Melody Ranch episodes in this archive have a real speed problem. Out of those, half of them are actually at the correct speed, just the opening segment (edited onto the shows from a bad transfer) is too fast.