Granby's Green Acres - 07-10-1950

Granby Plants A Crop
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Granby Plants A Crop | 29:18 |
The television is an exact re-creation of the radio episodes

An excellent radio comedy, the television series duplicated the radio show in the way Dragnet and Gunsmoke on television duplicated their radio predecessors. If you liked the TV show Green Acres, you'll love this radio series (there are only a few episodes in existence); if you didn't like the TV show but you like old time radio comedy, you'll love this radio series.
The original Green Acres

Smelly Bluetooth
Stars Gale Gordon in what morphed into the TV show's Oliver Douglas role (except here he's a banker). Bea Benaderet is his wife. He's astounded that he found a potato on the farm he recently bought. Worth a listen.
no enough

sav rekons
there isn't enough episodes to know , there's a few characters that ring a bell, but it's a long ways off the green acres tv show. no tune, green acres is the place..