School of The Woods

Read by Maggie Travers

(4.3 stars; 26 reviews)

Some Life Studies of Animal Instincts and Animal Training

This is the third book in the Wood Folk series by William J. Long, where he masterfully recreates animal life studies he observed while in the woods. He writes of the secrets of animals and birds while using their lovely, Milicete Indian names, such as Meeko and Mooween. - Summary by Maggie Travers (3 hr 44 min)


On the Way to School 22:54 Read by Maggie Travers
What the Fawns Must Know 13:35 Read by Maggie Travers
A Cry in the Night 27:16 Read by Maggie Travers
Ismaques the Fishhawk 24:06 Read by Maggie Travers
A School for Little Fishermen 15:02 Read by Maggie Travers
The Partridges' Roll Call 23:06 Read by Maggie Travers
When You Meet a Bear 23:38 Read by Maggie Travers
Quoskh the Keen Eyed Part 1 26:48 Read by Maggie Travers
Quoskh the Keen Eyed Part 2 25:25 Read by Maggie Travers
Unk Wunk the Porcupine 18:21 Read by Maggie Travers
A Lazy Fellow's Fun 13:02 Read by Maggie Travers
Umquenawis the Mighty 34:21 Read by Maggie Travers
At the Sound of the Trumpet 15:45 Read by Maggie Travers
The Gladsome Life 35:04 Read by Maggie Travers
How the Animals Die 17:14 Read by Maggie Travers



(5 stars)

"To the wild creature obedience is everything. It is the deep, unconscious tribute of ignorance to wisdom, of weakness to power. All the wilderness mothers, from partridge to panther, seize upon this and through long summer days and quiet starlit nights train and train it, till the young, profiting by their instinct of obedience, grow wise and strong by careful teaching. This, in a word, seems to me to be the whole secret of animal life. And one who watches the process with sympathetic eyes—this mother fishhawk, overcoming the young birds' natural instinct for hunting the woods, and teaching them the better mysteries of going a-fishing; this mother otter, teaching her young their first confidence in the water, which they naturally distrust, and then how to swim deep and silent...these interesting little wild kindergartens are, emphatically, happy gatherings. The more I watch them, teachers and pupils, the more I long for some measure of their freedom, their strength of play, their joyfulness. This is the great lesson which a man soon learns, with open eyes and heart, in the school of woods"

well read

(3 stars)

gentle tale of the writers time in the woods watching and interacting with the wildlife. not sure I approve of some of his adventures, but love of wildlife comes through in his words. The reader has clear voice and brought the woods to life. I look forward to hearing more of her.

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(3.5 stars)

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