Sad Sack 03 Eps (1 Inc)

(03 Episodes - 1 Inc) "Sad Sack" Created by Sgt. George Baker during WWII, "Sad Sack" began his life as a Comic Strip character when, on June 1942, Harvey Comics issued the first Sad Sack Comic book titled "Yank the Army Weekly". In the summer of 1946, with the help of Herb Vigran & Sponsor Old Gold Cigarettes, Sad Sack came to life on the radio. Sad Sack" aired as the summer replacement for Frank Sinatra's radio program which lasted from June 12th until Sept 04th of the same year. Cast Members: Jim Backus (Thursten Howell the 3rd of Gilligan's Island & also the voice of Mr. Magoo), Sandra Gould (Gladys Kravitz of Bewitched), Ken Cristy and Patsy Moran. Dick Joy was the announcer for the series which began with the episode "Sack Returns Home from the Army." (SOURCE: Wikipedia) * def gp ddh
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Sad Sack 1946-06-12 #001 Sack Returns Home from the Army | 27:41 |
Sad Sack 1946-06-19 (Inc) Domestic Science School | 2:34 |
Sad Sack 1946-08-14 The Liberty Bell Party (aka Sad Sack Runs for Mayor) | 26:47 |
only 2 episodes

Thank you for your input. I am sorry; not just for my error, but for the error the radio stations made when they didn't hold onto more of this wonderful OTR sitcom! I have tried to find more "Sad Sacks", but they just are not out there! def gp
only 2 episodes

second file is only 2:34, third and fourth files are same episode