Our Miss Brooks 178 Eps + 2 Auditions

(178 Episodes Plus 2 Auditions) "Our Miss Brooks": Regarding these 178 Eps of Old Time Radio Sitcom, "Our Miss Brooks," with Eve Arden ...... I do realize there are many MANY OMB downloads available online, which possibly prompts you to think ".. right .... yet another person uploading that which has already been (countless times!) uploaded!" As a rookie down-loader, I found misnamed episodes etc extremely confusing. I ended up with so many files that turned out to be bogus. Please don't get me wrong! This is most definitely not a "Complaint Forum!" I greatly appreciate every file that has, to date, been uploaded to the Internet, as it is because of these very files, that I myself have a more complete file. To solve my duplication issue, I have checked with the online "Our Miss Brooks First-Lines" files to work my way thru the misdated or misnamed files with-in my own files. Here-in you will find the results of my teeny effort. Fun show! OTR * def gp ddh
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Gentle, smart humor

If you are weary of these modern, cynical, hard-edged times listen to this show for a little relief. Eve Arden is so perfect in this role. She is smart and witty but also vulnerable and very likable. I really enjoy how her character is able to step out of her situation and see the humor in it. She makes the listener feel like they are in a smart and witty club. And the jokes are funny! This was recorded before the era of laugh-tracks (I assume) and the audience can barely control themselves.
Excellent collection

The entire episode #13 can be found at http://archive.org/details/OurMissBrooks48-10-31013GoingToTheClaytonHighFootballGame I believe #313 should be titled French Sadie Hawkins Day and #318 should be titled Saving the School Newspaper.
Can't stop listening!

I wish there were MORE, or that someone out there unearth's MORE! I don't know if there are any missing episodes, but I have seen an episode listed on the Our Miss Brooks OTR summaries page on some site which contains one entitled "No Smoking", in which Walter is expelled from school for smoking & Conklin spearheads a no smoking campaign. I have checked all of the old radio sites & there's no trace of that episode anywhere. I sure would love to hear it. I have also tried obtaining any information on actor Joel Samuels who portrayed Mr. Murdoch in the Jiffy Vacuum episode, as well as Mr. Gillis, in The Twin Orphans episode. It also sounds like his voice doing the voiceover for Anacin during some of the Our Miss Brooks broadcasts. There's no photo or record of him anywhere, which is just incredible. Especially as Joel Samuels has appeared in a number of Our Miss Brooks radio episodes as well as other OTR shows, yet no record of him anywhere! I just keep listening to the hundred or so episodes of Our Miss Brooks again & again & never fail to get laughs out of it. The humor is timeless & I'm a hopeless addict of both the radio & television series. I listen every day for hours. Our Miss Brooks is a clean, funny & refreshing show. The cast work so well together. I'm so pleased to see there are others who feels as I do about this classic program.
One of my favorite radio series

This is one of the first Old Time Radio series I ever listened to (discovered it little more than a year ago) and it got me hooked. I loved watching Eve Arden's movie performances, and now I know what a great radio actress she also was. Thank you so much to the person who took the trouble to share these on this site!! So refreshing to listen to comedy that is actually funny, rather than sarcastic or snarky, like what passes for "comedy" on TV these days.
duplicates, misnamed show, junk file

OMB 1951-05-13 #131 Bargain Hats for Mother's Day (aka 1948-05-08) = Omb1949-05-08040MrBoyntonsParents = OMB 1950-05-14 #092 Mr. Boynton's Parents [The original 1948 episode is not in this particular set.] ---------------------------------------------- Omb1950-10-08100RadioBombay ... is misnamed and is actually a copy of Omb1950-10-01099MeaslesDiagnosis [There definitely is an extant episode with a subject like Radio Bombay] -------------------------------------------------- Don't waste your time by downloading Omb1953-11-08222Convictaka1946-07-01ConvictHasThreatenedToKillMr.Conklin It starts off bad and becomes completely inaudible after a few minutes of playback.
Great Effort!

Moose Malloy
Dear Uploader, Thank-you very much for taking the trouble to do this. It is all very much appreciated! If I make draw your attention to a small matter. Working through the list, it seems that this episode below: OMB 1948-10-31 #013 Clayton City Football Game (3.9 MB) does not contain the entire show. The full episode appears to be available at the bottom of this page (but in poorer audio quality): http://www.archive.org/details/OMB490306TheHairDo Thank-you again for all your efforts.
Simple, Fun, Classic

I am in love with this series. In my collections I have things copied into folders for Holiday listening, and you better believe, "Our Miss Brooks" is on the top of that list. Most of the files here are great quality and the ones that aren't (which are minimal) don't bother me even a little bit. It's hard to believe what passes for a sitcom today. This is so much more fun.
You do that. Bye!

Def GP -- Thanks for doing all that work organizing this wonderful show and providing it free of charge to the world . The vast majority of archive.org users are full of gratitude for the truly boundless treasures being amassed here by volunteers. A small number of the clueless will always complain and whine...just hold your nose and ignore them. Thanks again