Perry Mason-2 episodes

(4.5 stars; 47 reviews)

The case of the restless redhead The case of the drowning duck old time radio

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



Clipped Theme Music

(3 stars)

I thoroughly enjoy the audio files of the original (1957-1966) "Perry Mason" television shows. Not a few of us would appreciate many more of them! A gentle suggestion to uploaders of the series, please don't clip the introductory or concluding theme music from the episodes. That intensely familiar and immensely famous theme music ("Park Avenue Beat" by Fred Steiner) is an integral part of the Perry Mason listening experience. It seems almost heretical to tamper with it.

This is not the radio show

(0 stars)

This is not from the Perry Mason radio series, which was aired in 10-minute daily episodes; this is audio from the 1957-66 CBS TV series.

(5 stars)

Classic Perry Mason with TV cast. I loved listening to this in my car. I wish there were more episodes.

Perry at his finest

(5 stars)

Great series with original cast from TV show

(4 stars)

Great book library and radio program s.