Radio Reader's Digest

A variety of short stories, 72 total. Varies from "Madam Curie" to "I was a Male War Bride."
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Reader's Digest Shows Good. Sound Quality Marginal

Max Reiner
What mars otherwise good production and acting is the marginal sound quality. From the way the audio "swims" it's obvious these were re-recorded several times on open reel tape where people didn't check the head azimuth. However the acting is good. Was surprised to discover that Richard Kollmar of Boston Blackie radio shows fame was the show host. I heard two shows so far. Roger Pryor, who later was an NBC staff announcer, was a "celebrated actor" in the story of Oliver Wendell Holmes. He also introduced the TV show "Do Re Me" on NBC later on. And Van Heflin was in some Devil's Island tale on the Reader's Digest Show. Interesting that Hallmark sponsored The Reader's Digest shows. Later on they had their very own Hallmark Hall of Fame. Would be great if someone could go back to the original air show, which was probably on vertical or analog disc and carefully transfer to CD.

I listened to at least one of these as I was looking for dramatic anthologies to collect. I found the shows I heard to be pretty safe material, nothing too complex. The source of the dramas was apparently Reader's Digest material; I agree that it follows their style and content pretty well (based on what I've read in RD in the past). I didn't give it a high rating because it's really not to my taste. It might be just right for you if you like the print version of Reader's Digest.
I love these old time radio dramas!

These are typical radio dramas. I love them!!