Right to Happiness 05 Eps

(05 Episodes) "The Right to Happiness," an American Old Time Radio Soap Opera created by Irna Phillips, was broadcasted across the country from its creation in 1939 until its demise in 1960. Irna Phillips creation was originally a spinoff for Guiding Light character Rose Kransky. The show premiered on NBC's Blue Network on Oct 16, 1939. However Rose seems to have kept her ties the Five Points suburb of Chicago, and the show soon began to revolve around the loves and trials of Carolyn Allen. Carolyn was the daughter of a magazine editor. The show moved to New York when Phillips sold the program to an advertising agency. Her search for Happiness would take Carolyn through four husbands and a jail sentence. Carolyn had a companion through many years of the program; The Past was a character that reminded Carolyn of the tragedies and mistakes in her life. Proctor and Gamble remained as sponsor of the show through most of its 21 year run. The Right to Happiness was one of the shows cancelled on Nov 25, 1960, the day Radio Soap Opera died. This collection is also part of the Rare Soap Operas Collection. * SOURCE: OTRCAT.com .... This site SELLS the programs which people like myself put together and upload into the IA for free ... not a very friendly thing to do - but (as in a quote from John Lennon) ".... whatever gets you through the night..." Me? I couldn't sleep at night knowing my livelihood depended on my ability to coax people to buy what should be free, and is free to them and all future generations, right here in the Internet Archive! Let me know what your opinon is on the subject. All opinions welcome! (PS: More information of "The Right to Happiness" is available at http://www.old-time.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=78 ... check it out!) OTR * def gp ddh
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.