Love these

A LibriVox Listener
Very glad to have discovered these little gems, really good on a long sleepless night. ..

I never thought I would hear these recordings again I've been searching for these for years I'm so glad I could find them again...
Damn! Damn! Damn!

I've probably searched Sci Fi hundreds of times here, in my getting close to ten years that I have used this fine resource, as my number one resource for downloading radio and podcast programs, old movies and anything that strikes my fancy. And in my quest for new material, where am I led back to??? It sure would have been a lot easier, if the same stuff didn't always come up in my Sci Fi searches, and seeing ear theater did once or twice !!! Oh well... better late than ever... I guess... Some good programs here...Some I didn't care for. The classic "The Time Machine" was excellent! Check them out for youself! Don't want to say the ones I didn't care for. I don't want to bias any programs. Someone might well enjoy something I don't. Extremely well produced!

I have been a fan Octavia Butler's work since I read the Parable of the Sower, in 1993 when it came out. But this adaptation was simply amazing! It obviously doesn't hurt having Alfre Woodard cast in the lead role. I also loved "Think like a dinosaur" which has the amazing talent of the late Michael O'Hare. Even though I did like some stories more than others, I didn't come across a story I didn't like. This is a well crafted, well written and well produced series. And even though it's not yet on (as far as I can tell anyway) do yourself a favor and lookup the City of Dreams. It's a subset of the Seeing Ear Theater production series, the stories were written by J. Michael Straczynski.
Some of my Favorite Audio Programs Ever

My very favorite one is Emily 501. I read that story years ago in an SF prozine, I think it was Asimov's, but not entirely sure. The soundscape in the audio was just as I imagined it, and the story is haunting. There are some adaptations of classics in here. To be entirely honest, I think it was the best thing the SciFi channel ever did.

I listened to every single one back in the late 90's and LOVED these, then they were gone one day. My favorite was "Feel The Zaz"! Be sure to check out The City of Dreams episodes, also from the SciFi Channel. Steve Buscemi does The Damned, another great audio theater episode. Didn't see it here though.

These are kind of hit and miss, storywise. I'm not a fan of the longer works, but some of the one shot episodes, such as The Nostalgianauts and Knock for instance, are really quite good. Well worth a listen, though, and you might be surprised at just how good some of them are.
More than an Audiobook, a great find!

I'm always trying to find great resources like this for my Grandpa who has failing vision. Between this and the work being done at he will have hours of great stories to enjoy!