Sherlock Holmes with Basil Rathbone

(4.6 stars; 198 reviews)

HQ Sherlock Holmes with Basil Rathbone

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



Good stuff!

(5 stars)

Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce are treasures. Even the 1939 "Bromo" (for colds) commercials are charming.

Radio at its best.. and never bettered. Love the old ads too!

(5 stars)


(5 stars)

Have read all Doyle's or others English writings about and with and without Holmes as the central figure. Seen perhaps every Holmes TV/ video/movie film/tape screened. As a child/teen in the 40's/50's/60's listened to the originals of many radio productions and watched Holmes films of that era on a Muntz black and white TV. Was an usher in a movie theatre so saw gratis the films of Holmes and Rathbones non-Holmes films. Loved them all. Believing that evolution may possibly be a reality I enjoy the portrayal of women and men when they lived their genetic potential sans the misrepresentations of Marxist adolescent wishful thinking. Viva la difference, mental, physical, emotional, and social such complementary truths bring joy and peace to this lost world.

(5 stars)

Nigel and Bruce are still my favourite renditions of Sherlock Holmes Mysteries.

(4.5 stars)

enjoyed e and it was well prevented

very good recording!

(5 stars)

great story done well!

(3 stars)

pretty good for it's time I guess