
An Evening With Groucho and An Evening With George Burns for those who want to hear these without having to click on several tracks at once...
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
AnEveningWithGeorgeBurns | 1:09:00 |
AnEveningWithGroucho | 1:09:40 |
Good Job

Putting these together. But, of course, no one had to "click on several tracks at once" or anything like that. One downloaded them into individual folders called "George Burns" or "Groucho Marx" and then---assuming one had a decent media player like, say, the RealPlayer Plus one simply clicked on "add folder" and the player would load the entire folder and play the selections by track number. No more effort than taking a CD out of a case and shoving it in a CD player, really. The only thing wrong is the extremely low bit rate. 32 kb is lousy audio quality. I'll give three stars for the effort and the idea.
Five star idea!!

Vivia, LibraVox Populi, semi-invalid bookworm
Thanks wonderful LibriVOX! one critique, maybe my first ever on here, is simply that a better title would help readers find this, esp the Evening with George Burns. That said, your description DID attract me! I thought it would be a variety of one-offs to make my evening more enchanting. The byline 'various' Was intriguing. were librivox narrators going to read these? wha? Had to check it out. The reality is better than that though! George and Groucho definitely enchant, and you don't weary from their company, because they are Kings of Comedy, timeless giants.