The Fifth Horseman

Old Time Radio Programs, The Fifth Horseman. Complete Series. Produced in 1946 trying to convince the public to put all nuclear weapons under United Nations control.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Fascinating OTR gem of a show!

This show was part of a post-WW2 public service campaign to convince the public to ask the United States government to place the then-nascent sciences of nuclear technology under control of the then-nascent United Nations. This particular period of history was a very fearful time, especially in the wake of the atomic bombings of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in Japan, and when society began to associate nuclear warfare with the Biblical Apocalypse, hence the show's umbrella title, "The Fifth Horseman", with this "fifth" horseman being the threat of nuclear annihilation, which, according to popular belief, would be "Armageddon", "Doomsday", or "the end of the world as we know it". The Cold War may be over (although, there may, apparently, be a NEW, "SECOND Cold War" brewing as of this very moment, as I edit this post(!)), but the Fifth Horseman, along with his other four brethren (War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death), still threaten to gallop over all the Earth, doubtlessly wreaking total existential catastrophic and cataclysmic obliteration in their wake, so this fascinating gem of an OTR program, though quite dated, is, IMHO, STILL every bit as relevant today as it was more than three quarters of a century ago.
1st episode

the first episode posted seems to actually be the sixth episode (Doomsday). I found a copy of the correct first episode here:

sav rekons
i'm fascinated on what the people thought a year after the bomb. trouble that's all. sav rekons 3.5 to 4 stars
Posted the requested episode

I just posted the first episode again. Hope you enjoy it! :)
Rehearsal episode

Just searched for it and found it. Thanks so much!