The Misadventures of Si & Elmer 41 Eps

(41 Episodes: 1st 3 Cases) "The Misadventures of Si & Elmer" (aka "Si & Elmer") was a daily 15 minute comedic soap opera, broadcast in the early 1930s. Story of two old fellas who decide later-in-life (their mid-60s) to become detectives. The boys manage to receive their detective licence, quickly open their own agency, studying their work-manual as they investigate. The antics to follow are quite hilarious and worth following - regardless of the 1 and 1/2 Minute Lead-in (and out) of music you will be listening to at opening and closing of show. Enjoy this wonderful old time radio treasure with your family! OTR * def gp ddh
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
RE: Jumbled Si & Elmer

Ouch! That means I deleted the wrong episode .. Thank you for your comment! When I downloaded S&I, the Eps were all over the place - not numbered/no titles; I made up titles as I went along, in order to put in proper order. I'll have a look for final Ep of storyline. I intend on uploading more S&I storylines; after I re-arrange & upload them, I will add in the final Ep of the train robbery. Thanks again! : ) DEF GP - - November 17, 2010 Subject: jumbled si & elmer Sorry ... best I could do; downloaded the files from other places & tried to put them in order ... but ... guess I must have fallen short - sorry 'bout that ... :-( Possibly you could pick up where 'yours truly' left off ???? ... :- )
Not a big fan of old comedies, but...

Not a huge fan of the old radio comedies, but this was surprisingly funny with an interesting concept, and the writers do a great job of creating situations to best play into that. And the sound quality is much better than expected with the timeframe of this program.
series 2 badly jumbled; missing imporant show

The first three or four episodes of the train story are in the correct order, but after that, the files are obviously mislabeled. Even worse: #17 and #18 are the same episode, the last one, so the critical part in which the mystery is actually solved is missing.